2nd Draft of Content Page

2nd Draft of Content Page
Here is my second draft of my contents page…

Since my first draft I have changed a lot of the DTP parts of the page but kept the main structure that I drew out on the paper. I have also added the main article photos that I am going to use and the text for the articles. For my final draft I still need to do a few things.

These targets will be to..

  1. Change the color of the contents box.
  2. Make sure the page numbers are inline with the article text.
  3. Slightly angle the photo of the guitar to the left.
  4. Make the size of the font for article 52 smaller.

2nd Draft of Front Page

2nd Draft of Front Page
Here is my second draft of my front cover.

From looking at the targets that I set my self for the first draft I am happy with what I have improved. I think that I know have a good understanding of what my magazine is going to look like and the layout. This draft is looking close to what the finish product will be, I just need to adjust a few things to make it perfect.

Some targets that I will set myself for my final draft will be…

  1. Sort out the layout of the information on the right hand side.
  2. Maybe add few more plugs and information but not making it too crowded.
  3. Make my barcode a bit smaller and have it laying down on its side.
  4. Try and keep all the fonts for the information the same.




Second Shoot Contact Sheets

Second Shoot Contact Sheet

Last week we went into town to get some photos for our double page spread for my music magazine. I had Ollie as model and felt like he did a good job to represents my genre well of Britpop. We took the photos in town and I think where we took them was good for my genre of a urban / back street area.

Below our the photos that I got from the shoot….

I am happy with the photos that I got from the shoot they are all in good focus and have the right lighting. I feel like I have got a good verity shots, angles and locations so I will have plenty to chose from. I made sure that we got lots of photos during the shoot so I had a big amount to choose from. As I feel from the past shoots I hadn’t got enough photos. What we did was in each location that we went to we tried to get 10 – 20 photos. With every photo slightly changed such as the angle, lighting, pose and distance.

I decided to bring a fish eye along with me to the shoot to try an get some different shots in the locations we went to. I used a fish to add more effect to some of the shots and thought that these could be used else where in my magazine. The photos that I got with the fish eye probably won’t be good enough for one of the main pages of my magazine, however I have thought that maybe I could make a album cover with the fish eye photos for an extra part of the magazine and to advertise it inside. However, from looking back at these shots I noticed that in most of them the full fish eye was not shown which is quite annoying but there are a few shots that I can use.

Here are some of my favorite photos from the shoot ….

I like these photos the most because I feel like they are good for my magazine and genre. The backdrop for the photos I feel are good and have that urban backstreet effect that I wanted. I think that some of them will be especially be good for my double page spread as they have lots of plain backgrounds where I can picture having writing around my model.

From doing this second shoot I have got more for my magazine that can be used for my double page spread. I am happy with the shots that I got and know what I can work with.

Draft of The Double Page Spread

Draft of The Double Page Spread

Here is my first draft for my double page spread. I am happy with how it looks so far. 

Here are some targets I want to set myself for my second draft
  1. Add in my real magazine article.
  2. Sort out what extra photos I am going to use.
  3. maybe change the font of my title to suit my genre more.
  4. any small tweaks that I notice need doing once I have started to edit things

Once I have done these adjustments I feel like that it will be good enough for my second draft and nearly my final draft.

Production Meeting Agenda For 2nd Photo Shoot and Risk Assessment

Production Meeting Agenda For 2nd Photo Shoot and Risk Assessment

To make a good double page spread I need to have an eye catching photo as the background that links well with my article and genre. Before I make my double page spread I will have to do a second photo shoot. For this shoot I need to plan where it is, what is my model is going to wear and what poses and parts of Mise on scene are they going to use.

Below is my planning sheet for the shoot…


From doing this planning sheet I have a better understanding of what I am going to do and got some ideas of what poses and where I am doing my second shoot. I will use this on Tuesday when I do the shoot.

So what am I up against – the competition?

So what am I up against - the competition?


Before making my magazine I have to do some research to find out what the market for them is like. Here is a Piktochart on the research I have done to show the competition in my magazine genre. It also shows what other magazines offer to they audience in terms of looks and promotional so I can add or adapt these elements.

Here is my Piktochart on competition….




Here is the link to it as well…


From doing this task I have got a better understanding of what my competition looks like for my magazine genre. I now know what they add into the magazines and hopefully I can add these features into my magazine. Then make them look more professional and better so I can be better then my  competition. Also I found out how important the front page is and it has to look good as if not it will not attract the audience into it more.

Draft of Content Page

Draft of Content Page

From making my plans and drawings of my contents page I have started to create my first draft. So far I am happy with how it has turn out and I have kept to what my plan was.

Below is my first draft of my contents page…


I think that my contents page looks good so far and links well with my genre with the colors and layout. There are still a few things that I know need improving and changing for my second draft. For example the photos I currently have in the top are just ones to show what it will look like, so I will need to get some better ones when on my next photo shoot. But I feel like I have done well with trying to keep the page interesting and stand out to the reader.

Contents page peer assessment

My targets for the second draft 
  • Get better photos for the articles 
  • Fill the placeholder texts 
  • Make sure all of the fonts sizes are the same
  • Maybe change the background colour to a lighter blue
  • Add boarder outlines around the pictures of the articles   

From setting myself these targets and looking at my reflection of the peer assessment. I now know what I have to do to make my second draft better. I feel like I have the basic layout of the contents page it’s just a few small adjustments that I need to do to make it better. Getting some critical  reflection from my peer assessment has also helped. From someone else seeing my work they can tell me what I need to work on and what they like about it. Once I have made these changes that my peer suggests I can show them again to get they opinion.

What is a Contents Page?

What is a Contents Page?

Before making my contents page I need to know what a contents page includes in it and how I want my layout to be like. I have done some research on other magazines that I like that have good contents pages and think could be some good ideas in there for mine.

Some conventions of a contents page are…. 

  • Name of magazine
  • Structured layout
  • Sub lines – more details about a article/ page number
  • One main image – relating to the main article
  • Smaller images – with pages numbers on them
  • Issue date
  • Heading – mainly with the word contents
  • Page numbers

Below are some contents pages that I like from other magazines…

From looking at these different designs I designed too draw out some ideas that I would like my contents  page to look like.

I know that when making my contents page it need to look eye catching, bold, factual, colorful and have lots of photos on it. This is because if a contents page is not interesting people won’t want to read the magazine anymore. The first few pages are the most important as it draws in the reader to look at it more and see what see’s is inside. The actual writing in the contents page also needs the easily visible so the reader can clearly see what is in the magazine and the exact page of each article.

Here are some examples of contents pages that I have made….

From these designs I think that my favorites are the top left one and the bottom right one. This is because I like how the top left one is section off with a good mixture of both pictures and content for he readers to look at. The bottom right one I got the idea from the research I did having the pictures at all different angles with the text at the bottom. I also like how I would have the writing of the contents on the right hand side of the page with the date ad issue in it’s separate box. I feel this something different and will work well with my magazine.

I think that I am going to base my design for my context page around the bottom right one. I think that this will go best with my design and will look good. I can change some of the designs once I have started if I feel it doesn’t look good.

Here are some potential headlines that I could use in my contents page.

  1. Return of Britpop
  2. Exclusive look into upcoming music 
  3. Top 20 best new tracks 
  4. Britpop’s newest breakthrough band 
  5. 2021 festivals you don’t want to miss 

From doing this task I have got a better understand of what a magazine contents page looks like and it layout is. I can now use this and add it to my work with the designs that I have come up with. It has also helped me plan out my own design and know what will work and what might not work.

Draft of Front Page and Self Assessment

Draft of Front Page and Self Assessment

Below is my first draft for my magazine front cover……

I am happy with the work I have done so far. I feel like it is like other magazine in my genre.

Three targets I have set myself to make my next draft better would be….

  1. Too add my content information/cover lines on the right hand side.
  2. change the font on the front cover as I don’t know how well it goes with my genre.
  3. Too sort out my bar code and issue date placement on the bottom left corner. If I do this I feel like it will make the magazine look neater and more professional as most magazine have these features close together.

In conclusion, from doing this self assessment on my first draft I now know what I have done well and also what I need to improve on and adapt on when doing my second draft. Giving myself a grade at the end of the assessment has also given me a target to improve on a get better in my final draft and make it look more professional.


First shoot contact sheet

First shoot contact sheet

When doing my photo shoot I had to do it twice. This is because on the first one the automatic focus on the camera was turned off. Meaning that most of the photos were blurry, however I still managed to get some photos from it that weren’t as bad. Although this was annoying I found out what positions worked well and what outfits looked best on my model so when i did the second shoot i knew exactly what to do.

So on the second shoot I did, I used the the same positions for the model and clothes and made sure the auto focus was on which made a massive difference and the quality of the photos were a lot better. I am very happy with how the second shoot went and I didn’t take as many photos in the second one as I knew what poses worked well so just did them. Some photos were still blurry in the second one though but I managed to mainly to get good shots.

Below are my contact sheets of the first and second shoot…..


Here are a few photos that I think that could be used on my magazine front cover….

I like this photo because the the way my model is holding the guitar looks cool. The one thing that lets this photo down is that model isn’t looking at the camera which I would prefer

The use of props in this photo is really good. The model is looking at the camera with glasses on and has a attitude in his face.The outfit he is wearing links well with my genre.

This is my favourite photo. I like how the model is pointing and looking at the camera which will attract the audience more when looking at the magazine. Again the use of the guitar as the prop looks really good. The models facial expressions are good and shows the mood of the magazine and genre.

This last photo is quite different to the other ones and is based mainly around my planned cover star. It has some aspects of the photo before it but just a different costume and props. The microphone is an excellent prop and shows that it would be a music magazine.


I have chosen these photos because I feel like they represent my genre best. The photos aren’t blurry and I feel like the quality of them is good for my front cover. The use of the guitar as a prop in the photos really help as they convey Mise En Scene linking with my genre of Britpop. The use of he microphone as a prop also makes the photos look good as it looks like my model is playing on stage. From reflecting on these photos I think that I will pick a photo that has the guitar on it as it is perfect for the genre. Some of the other photos that I like can be used somewhere else in the magazine especially with the parka.