Masthead Designs

Masthead Designs

Before making my music magazine I have to think of some of the main features on the front cover. One of these being the mastheads. Apart from the main cover photo the masthead is one of the main features the audience see’s first when looking at a magazine. So getting the right one to fit with the genre is very important.

The task was design some mastheads that go well with are genre and are magazine title. My magazine name being Rolling Records I wanted a flowing font for the rolling letter and was going to edit the height of each letter.

Here are some of the designs that I have got for my magazine….











The first four designs that I got are off a website called dafont.

  1. I like the way this font rolls like the word and how the bottom of the letters flick up. I think that I will use for the rolling word. I have thought that with using this font I could have the letters in different positions going along the page but being up and down.
  2. The use of the bubble writing makes the letters big and stand out which I like. I think that the use of the filling out the bubble writing with a colour will look good depending on what colours I choose for my magazine.
  3. This font is bold and simple the letters stand straight up which is what I like about it
  4. I particularly like this as it looks like a record and links in well with the name. I might only use this font for the O of the records and the rest in the third font.


From looking at lots of different designs I have decided that for my magazine masthead for the Rolling I will use the first font and move the letters around. Then for the Records I am going to use a mixture of fonts three and and four have the main letters as three but the O as four giving it that records like feel from the design.

Production Meeting Agenda for 1st Photo Shoot

Production Meeting Agenda for 1st Photo Shoot

Before doing my photo shoot I had to get some ideas on what I was going to look like and what clothes I was going wear that links in with my music genre.

Below is my production meeting agenda sheet….

For my shoot I have got a few ideas that I can use and a few different costumes and work from this to see what is best. Ollie has managed to get me a union Jack guitar which I am definitely going to use as this is perfect prop for my Britpop genre. As from when doing my research most of the magazines have a union Jack somewhere.

I am mainly focusing my cover star around the Gallagher brothers from Oasis as I feel like when they were on stage performing they dressed well to the 90’s style and had an extra edge over other bands at the time.

From doing my PMA sheet, I now know exactly what I need for the shoot and who is getting what. I also have got some ideas for what different poses I am going to do. Overall I am more prepared and ready for my photoshoot.

Brand Moodboard & Star Image

Brand Mood-board & Star Image

Our task was to create a mood-board of my genre to get lots of different pictures of bands, lyrics, posters, other magazine covers,  concerts and designs to help me towards  getting some inspiration for my own music magazine. Also to get a good understanding of what it should look like and the content inside it .

Below is my mood-board….

Click on this image to view my mood board

Below is star image of Liam Gallagher…

It is important for a music genre to have a main star image. I had to do some research around my music genre and find someone who represents it best. For my start image I chose Liam Gallagher as I feel like he has an attitude like a rock star. He also fits perfectly around the paradox theory created by Richard Dyer. This theory states weather a star is extraordinary or ordinary and if there are absent or present. I feel like that Liam is more extraordinary and absent. Liam’s metanarrative over the years has changed due to things newspaper journalists have said about him making the public ether love or hate him more.


 Above is some ideas of clothes that my model could wear….

From doing these tasks I feel more confident with how magazine will turn out, especially with the front cover and what the cover star will look like before I do my shoot. I also know from this what other magazines in this type of genre look like and also what features they have in the magazine.

My Audience Profile and Research

  My Audience Profile and Research


Before I create my music magazine I have to do some research on the type of people that like my chosen genre i.e target audience and that will read the magazine.Also to find out what their basic interests our and what they like to do apart from listen to music. I managed to find out this information on a website called ‘yougov’.

Above is the information I found out about Britpop fans…..

After collecting this information I then had to create a dating profile about a typical Britpop fan and this is what I made.

When doing this task I had to think about the ‘Reception Theory’ which was invented by a man called Stuart Hall. His theory states that the audience’s option on something is decided from what they read and think about it, and that the audience and the creators option should meet in the middle in order for something to become successful and work well. For my magazine to be successful and popular I have found out these options and things that my audience likes and put this information in my dating profile to create the perfect reader.

From doing my dating profile I have got a better understanding of my target audience for my Britpop genre. I now know what the typical person likes to do not to do and what they interests are. I can use some of this information I have found out and add it to my magazine.


My tour poster


My tour poster


Before making my tour poster I had to do some research on my genre and see what fonts, images, headings and information about tours other artists posters were like to get idea’s for mine. Below is my slide show of a number of artists tour posters and what i have found out from them.


After finding this information about my genre, I then deiced to start my tour poster. I had a rough idea of the layout and what it would look like in my head, with the main things that I had learn’t from the others posters.

Above is my finished tour poster…. 

I am pleased with my final product of my poster and I feel like the picture of me being big really helps, especially filling in the extra gaps. My use of colours on the poster I feel like goes well as it links to what I am wearing in the picture. These colours of red, white and blue are also the colors of the American flag which links to the theme. The background of my name also has stars faded into it which links to it as well. One thing I could have done better was use some different fonts like old western handwriting and link them to genre and other posters. Another thing I could done to improve the poster would be to change the background. I found it really hard when designing it to find a background that would suit the genre and everything I tried I ended up getting rid of and just decided to have a grey one which still looks good.


Above is my feedback on my tour poster……

I feel like I have used AIDA well when working on my tour poster adding in all of the elements.

In conclusion, I am pleased with how this task went and happy with how my tour poster came out. I feel like the poster looks professional and could be used for a real artist. However in the future if I had more time there would be a few things I would change to make it better. But I know my editing skills  for photoshop and indesign are not amazing so it will be something to work on.

My magazine front page swede

My magazine front page swede

In the past few lessons we had learnt the basics on the software app called indesign about how to edit and make magazines working towards are music magazine. Our task was to try and recreate a magazine poster the best we can. I was given the magazine of NME my chemical romance.


Below is the original copy of the magazine 

Here is my version of the magazine


Overall from this task, I now feel confident using indesign and getting the right techniques. I also feel confident knowing where everything is and using these skills to create my music magazine. When looking at the two side by side they look very similar and it is quite hard to tell them apart.The only main difference is the gap on the left side from the title and Suede comeback interview writing.

Three things that I did well were….
  1. I feel like that my attempt at the front cover was not far off the real one.
  2. I am happy with the layout of the cover and how everything is close to the real one.
  3. I managed to get the all of the extra photos and boxes similar to the real one.
Three things I could have improved on are….
  1. Time management. Although my magazine looks good it took a long time to perfect it and next will need to work faster.
  2. I found it hard to get the right fonts for some of the writing parts.
  3. To learn what each thing in the tool bar does. I was relying lots on just the basics but once I got the hang of it i knew what to do and was able to add better editing in.

To conclude 

For the future when working on my music magazine I feel like I have got the basics of Indesign and know a lot more then I did at the start of this task. But I know that they is still room to improve on my editing and leaning new and cool effects to get the extra marks on my work. Also how to work faster on the app as that was my main floor.

To improve on these things that I have listed I have chosen some videos on youtube to help me…  





Branding ideas + Mission statement

Branding ideas + Mission statement


The music genre I have chosen to base my music magazine around is Britpop. I have chosen this Because I feel like I have a understanding for the music around the 90’s , and I enjoy listening to it which will give me inspiration when working on it. The Name I have chosen for my magazine is called Rolling Records. I feel like this will go well with the genre I have chosen and fits it well.

From doing some research I have collected some good information and ideas of what my magazine will look like and look forward to starting my magazine. One of the bits of research that I did was create a world cloud which was a group of words to describe my magazine and some of the features and information I will put in it.

Below is my word cloud… 

Some other research that I did towards my music magazine was create a mission statement for my customer and readers. This mission statement shows why the magazine exists and what are overall goals and achievements are. It also shows who are primary customer is and what they geographic’s are.

Mission statement.. 

“Rolling Records” aim is bring the peoples love and interests in the best of British Pop bands in the nineties together in a magazine. With exclusive interviews, information about bands, tours, festival and new album releases we have everything that the people want. We strive to be one of the most successful magazines out there and attract new people to this music that is loved be so many no matter what type of music they like. They is nothing else out there on the market like “Rolling Records”  

A Front Cover Analysed

Front cover analyse 

This is my analysed front cover of a music magazine. The task was to annotate the key features and to find out why the company of the magazine designed it in that way and how by doing this attracts it’s target audience. They do this by using terms called Demographics and Psychographics audiences.

Demographic –

The consumer is categorised in terms of concrete variables such as age, class, gender and geographic location.


The consumer is categorised in terms their interests, attitudes and options such as those who aspire to a richer lifestyle.

Below is my annotated magazine front cover 


From doing this analysis task, I have learnt what to do and not to do when it comes to designing my music magazine. Like using to right colours, text and photos to link with your target audiences. For example the colour scheme for my magazine is quite plain not using bright powerful colours this is because the target audience is suited more for a older generation. If it was suited for a younger one the colours would stand out more and brighter and they would be more photos.

In conclusion, I feel confident about what to do when it comes to designing my magazine and using the terms I have learnt that are demographic and psychographic how to find the right lifestyle these people live and what they interests, age and hobbies are.

The Camera Talks

The camera talks 

In are groups we had to go around the school and get 30 photos and try and tell a story in these photos. We used lots of different places and lots of different angles to try and use what we had learnt about in the previous lesson about how to use the DSLR cameras and what setting, angle, distance and framing to use when taking photos.

Here is the photos that we got…


It was very hard to learn the basics on the DLSR camera’s and the photos that we took on them did not turn out how we wanted them. This was down to the aperture, where we took the photos the lighting was very bright meaning most of the photos were out of focus and blurry. Luckily I had taken some photos on my phone so we were able to use them. I am happy with the photos that I took on my phone and feel like I got a good range in the different styles.

Here are my final nine photos that I have selected…


The final nine photos that I selected try to each tell a story, the quotes I put with them also help to tell this. I am happy with how the first photo came out by using the shallow depth of field it brings out the main feature of the rock. The photo I feel that tells the best story is the last one. This is because the centre of the photo is based around a bike helmet which stands out well because the sun is reflection on it. The main question in the picture is why is it there, and how did it get there?


From this task I have learn’t a lot about DSLR camera’s. At the start I did not know how to use one and how to get the right setting to make the perfect picture. Although the pictures we did take did not come out how we wanted them to be, I know for the future what to do right to get that perfect shot. When working towards my music magazine I also know how the angle of the camera can effect the image and message you are trying to put forward to the reader.



Conventional design features of a music magazine

Conventional design features of a music magazine

Here is my annotated music magazine cover with all of the main key features of it labelled.

These key features are…. 
  • master head – the main person on the front cover
  • main cover line – is about the main article inside the magazine
  • cover line –  about the smaller articles inside of the magazine
  • plug –  is trying to sell the magazine by using words like “best” or “exclusive”
  • issue date/issue number – is the date it was released or the number of magazines released
  • price, bar code – how much the magazine is
  • pug – is the ears of the magazine as they are both on the top left and right corners normally includes a number on a promotion or about something inside which might catch the readers eye.
  • inset – photo’s about extra  articles inside the magazine.


From doing this work I have learnt how a magazine front cover is laid out. So when I come to do mine I know what I need to put on it and where it goes. I have also learnt that for different genres the magazines are set up differently for example a K pop magazine has lots of bright colours with big writing and lots of images completely filling the whole front cover.