Sad / Lonely Montage

Sad / Lonely Montage

Montage – The technique of selecting, editing, and piecing together separate sections of film to form a continuous whole.

In groups we had to create a montage which was around 40- 60 seconds long to understand how and why they are used in movies to create suspense and shorten time. The theme that were given for this task was sad and loneliness. In this group we brainstormed some ideas that we had and could use for it . This is shown in picture below. 

Once we had created our story board and got a good understanding of what we were going to do, how we were going to film it,  the camera angles and props we needed. We filmed our montage which is below.

3 things we did well was…
  1. Showed are theme well – it is obvious from watching the video that it is linked with being sad and lonely
  2. A good use of editing of certain clips – throughout the montage we use good transfers from scene and adding certain effects i.e. making it look like it was raining more.
  3.  Quick cuts in between certain scene – In clips that would be too long for a montage we could add in small cuts to to show time passing by and it carrying on.

3 things we could improve on would be…

  1. Have more camera angles in – most of are shots were around medium/ close up shots. It would have been better if we had a wider verity.
  2. Maybe have a few different shots – we could have filmed a few move different shots to go in the montage i.e., a time laps of a clock representing time going by.
  3. Had a song that had a bit more meaning to the theme – The original song we had ( everybody hurts by R.E.M ) wouldn’t work with the editing so we had to chose a basic song which didn’t have as much meaning.

From trying to make our own montage I have leant many things. The main one is how often I wanted to try make it a mini film and try and stay on track with a montage that doesn’t really have a story or meaning behind the scenes it that means many things but could just be one meaning of 1 word like for us sad. I feel like we managed to to show this through our montage by the effects and way we filmed it. From doing this task I have learnt the basics using premier pro which will help me loads when it comes to filming and editing my music video in the future.