Permission from artist

Permission from artist


The photo above is evidence showing that we have asked the band of our song Catfish and the Bottlemen to use their song in our own music video. This is important to do as we don’t want copyright problem’s when publishing are final video, especially after putting in lots of hard work. We also as a group want to respect the artist  and not to take any credit for the video.

2nd Draft of Front Page

2nd Draft of Front Page
Here is my second draft of my front cover.

From looking at the targets that I set my self for the first draft I am happy with what I have improved. I think that I know have a good understanding of what my magazine is going to look like and the layout. This draft is looking close to what the finish product will be, I just need to adjust a few things to make it perfect.

Some targets that I will set myself for my final draft will be…

  1. Sort out the layout of the information on the right hand side.
  2. Maybe add few more plugs and information but not making it too crowded.
  3. Make my barcode a bit smaller and have it laying down on its side.
  4. Try and keep all the fonts for the information the same.




My tour poster


My tour poster


Before making my tour poster I had to do some research on my genre and see what fonts, images, headings and information about tours other artists posters were like to get idea’s for mine. Below is my slide show of a number of artists tour posters and what i have found out from them.


After finding this information about my genre, I then deiced to start my tour poster. I had a rough idea of the layout and what it would look like in my head, with the main things that I had learn’t from the others posters.

Above is my finished tour poster…. 

I am pleased with my final product of my poster and I feel like the picture of me being big really helps, especially filling in the extra gaps. My use of colours on the poster I feel like goes well as it links to what I am wearing in the picture. These colours of red, white and blue are also the colors of the American flag which links to the theme. The background of my name also has stars faded into it which links to it as well. One thing I could have done better was use some different fonts like old western handwriting and link them to genre and other posters. Another thing I could done to improve the poster would be to change the background. I found it really hard when designing it to find a background that would suit the genre and everything I tried I ended up getting rid of and just decided to have a grey one which still looks good.


Above is my feedback on my tour poster……

I feel like I have used AIDA well when working on my tour poster adding in all of the elements.

In conclusion, I am pleased with how this task went and happy with how my tour poster came out. I feel like the poster looks professional and could be used for a real artist. However in the future if I had more time there would be a few things I would change to make it better. But I know my editing skills  for photoshop and indesign are not amazing so it will be something to work on.

My magazine front page swede

My magazine front page swede

In the past few lessons we had learnt the basics on the software app called indesign about how to edit and make magazines working towards are music magazine. Our task was to try and recreate a magazine poster the best we can. I was given the magazine of NME my chemical romance.


Below is the original copy of the magazine 

Here is my version of the magazine


Overall from this task, I now feel confident using indesign and getting the right techniques. I also feel confident knowing where everything is and using these skills to create my music magazine. When looking at the two side by side they look very similar and it is quite hard to tell them apart.The only main difference is the gap on the left side from the title and Suede comeback interview writing.

Three things that I did well were….
  1. I feel like that my attempt at the front cover was not far off the real one.
  2. I am happy with the layout of the cover and how everything is close to the real one.
  3. I managed to get the all of the extra photos and boxes similar to the real one.
Three things I could have improved on are….
  1. Time management. Although my magazine looks good it took a long time to perfect it and next will need to work faster.
  2. I found it hard to get the right fonts for some of the writing parts.
  3. To learn what each thing in the tool bar does. I was relying lots on just the basics but once I got the hang of it i knew what to do and was able to add better editing in.

To conclude 

For the future when working on my music magazine I feel like I have got the basics of Indesign and know a lot more then I did at the start of this task. But I know that they is still room to improve on my editing and leaning new and cool effects to get the extra marks on my work. Also how to work faster on the app as that was my main floor.

To improve on these things that I have listed I have chosen some videos on youtube to help me…  





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