Hello Media Studies

I am looking forward to studying media studies for the next two years because I already enjoy editing photos and videos in my own time and I will be able to learn more about editing in the years to come. As well as that i am looking forward to learning a large array of skills which will help me in the future such as Photoshop and how to advertise products to the general public.


Things I am looking forward to:


  • Using different techniques to film, take photos and edit them in multiple locations and get the outcome I was looking for.


  • Gain skills on how to write and post blogs to my page.


  • Learning new ways of editing and presenting a video in a professional manner and presentation.


My creative skills:


For one of my GCSE’s I studied Theatrical lighting which involved many different skills , like me creating cue sheets and designs for small performances and shows using my own ideas. I have two years experience working in lighting of which I was self taught and was successful in my ambitions.


My technical skills:


I have experience using many different editing and Photoshop software’s such as final cut pro and adobe premiere pro. Although I still want to learn more skills to fine tune my abilities in editing and Photoshop


My transferable skills:


I lack transferable skills as I have gone through any internships involving editing sadly due to Covid-19. But I would like to bounce back due my time at sixth form as I still have much to learn and look forward to my goals.

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