Print Analysis – Muse

For this task I broke down a Muse poster and analysis how the effects of Mise en scene made it effective.

I learned  that simple easy mediums can connote an audience interest in a very simple but effective way. Using techniques such as Mise en scene which includes CLAMPS. For example the large bold red text and black and white background grabs the eyes attention, and makes us the consumers read the poster as is set out in simple bullet point formate and supplies us with enough impression and information to make us remember and potentially go to said performance.

C – Costume

L – Lighting

A – Action

M – Make up

P – Props

S – Setting


By analysing this poster I have increased my knowledge in Mise en scene , CLAMPS and other techniques. I will now be able to make captivating and efficient Magazines and Posters using elements such as Colour,  size , font and position.

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