The Camera Talks

For this task I was put in a group of 3 and was told to you use one of ourDSLRs and take at-least 50 photos around the school that attempt to tel a story. using. distance, angel and framing to show how the camera can make meaning, as-well as use each other as models. we used Mise en scene to take the pictures in particular body language, facial expressions, posture, proxemics and gesture.

We tried to use:

Angle – high, low canted x 3, aerial

Distance – ECU, MS, LS, ELS x 3

Composition – rule of thirds, lead space and depth of field x 3

The main three Shot that are in the spread sheet above:

Two shot , which is two people and mostly with one foreground with one person looking away from the camera and the other slightly out of focus which adds enigmatic or mysterious feel to the picture.

Aswell as the the two shot we also used the extreme and regular close ups which allows the person looking at the image read the emotion and venerability of the image and make us imagine what is happing in the foreground.

When creating my own magazine front cover I will be able to use all of the Mise-en-scene that I have learn in this task to make to image more eye catching to my ideal audience which I would have chosen advertise to. These techniques include position, lighting, setting, angles and facial expressions too  conveys to the audience clearly.

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