My Image that uses Mise en scene to communicate meaning.

Made with Padlet

This is my groups Indie Mood-board. We got this poster via choosing and card at random the reading the name. we found out that the Indie culture is mainly main stream music that isn’t in the top charts and the fashion that they choose is mostly 90s early 2000s, so still main stream but once again not as popular. As seen in the mood board above, we used the website called Padlet to make the Mood-board where we collected images and piece of text that show research into the Indie genre. We also used Google to research things such as style, fashion, music, artists etc. We used the Mood-board later to guide how we dress up our re-presenter for our genre. which help a-lot as Indie is hard to put a finger on at times as it is such a broad Lifestyle.

Genre Shoot.

Post it Man

After the mood board task we where told to dress up one person in our group to portray as an indie fan and then see what other peoples thoughts are on the costume. they shows this by commenting word on a post it note and stuck them to her. there comments included Groovy, Laid back, Friendly and easy going.



Final image

As a group we all decided to dress our actor in these clothes specifically as we thought they best represented the Indie genre. the multiply bracelets on the arms shows a calm and colourful personality. the organic woven hat show connotes a laid back attitude as you main see these types of hat on holidays and in relaxing and stress free resorts. the green and blue tinted sunglasses show of the hipster fashion that my group conclude they genre draws from as well as others. I chose this photo as my favourite/best as it is a mid shot and torso up and the show the whole outfit and her expressions with the captivating sunglasses for contracts.

in this assignment I have learnt how mise em scene can effect the message show to the audience. For example a picture of some in a threatening and aggressive stance/expression would connote to the audience distress, uncomfortably or frustration. Where as if the person was curled up in a corner it would connote sorrow, weakness or pity. I am going to use to include mise en scene to give the viewer on my magazine a more interesting and captivating impression using the method of mise en scene.




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