Branding and Mission Statement

My Magazine is called Riptide Limited:  The word definition of riptide is an area of sea where two different currents meet or where the water is extremely deep. Riptides make the water very rough and dangerous. Which I am using as a metaphor for the pressures of life in modern-day society and how people often are taken out by the tide of stress. This magazine shows that they are not alone and how music can help with these problems.

I have chosen the emo-rap genre because of it’s interesting with interesting characters in it.  With various styles and moods that have can personally understand,  I have researched the genre extensively and have made are word cloud based on the main components in the genre.  As seen below:

My Mission Statement:

‘RipTide’ is to show insight on modern-day issues with youth’s mental health, social pressures, and addiction. We will keep the world updated on these problems and inform you of dates of concerts and albums and EP’s of addicting artists. RipTide also acts as a platform for young anarchic artists coming up through the music industry, as well as a sponsor for small events.

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