Category Archives: Component 1


What’s new:

Over all most of the design has changed since the last draft. this incudes most of the text in the contents box:

  • The image
  • The fonts
  • The color palette
  • The overall design






Here is my second DPS for my music magazine based around the m rap genre with a article written by me. Using the peer assessment give to me last draft is made the design better and more eye catching for the audience. Below I have include and third peer assessment for me to us on my next DPS draft, in order for me to make the product the best it can be.

Peer assessment:

  • make her larger
  • could you add a quote on his or her picture?
  • the drop capital is where the article starts as your stand first i.e. your opening para needs to be in a larger and bolder font, then you get the drop capital
  • separate the byline from the caption in the inset
  • page 6 in red too?
  • pull the copy away from the edge of the black column
  • why not justify the copy right and left
  • still not convinced by the wider column of copy at the bottom



Above I have added my first double page spread draft. for my music magazine based around emo rap with my article written in. I asked one of my peers to give me feed back in order for me to make second draft and use the points brought up by my peer.

  • Make her bigger and manipulate in photoshop – more contrast
  • stand first in bigger font and bolder
  • then a drop capital for where the article starts
  • wouldn’t normally say Page…just the number
  • not sure about Rosen….too blurry…make it extra blurrywind in photoshop? and move him higher as wasted space at the top…perhaps sharpen the name Rosen to stand out?
  • anchor the main image…who is she?
  • byline – who wrote it and who did the photography?



Language Analysis – Music Magazine

Language analysis for my music magazine.

Reference Wyclef Jean’s 10 tips on life article published in (September 2017).

Click on the pages to few articale full screen:


  • The article is written in a shore hand style and has an interview layout with proof that it is about his ten tips/commandments.
    It is divided into ten parts, each with a sentence and a number as the subheading (e.g. 1,2, etc.), making it simple for readers to navigate and understand. ‘Money isn’t anything,’ for example, and ‘know when to move on’ are two subheadings that entice and make you want to learn more.
  • ‘3- music will literally change your life!’ is an example of his subheading comment. It’s interesting because each part is written from his perspective, but he didn’t write it, so this could be considered an interview.
  • There are also plugs in the centre. Regarding song reviews, have central images that break up the text and attract the reader’s attention.
  • The magazine’s overall design is simple: white and black, with red used purposefully in places like the picture and pugs in the middle, and the arrows pointing to the names.

Presence of journalist:

  • Mode of address – it’s curious because the writer wrote a segment in the first person from the perspective of the celebrity, but the star obviously didn’t write the post, so it could be classified as an interview.
  • The journals/writers may have done this to strengthen the connection between the readers and the celebrity; it gives them the impression that they are personally interested in the discussion rather than through a third party. While the author cites some of the artists’ direct responses, he continues to write as if he were the artist.
  • He has no real presence in the text itself, aside from his name in the magazine’s corner, in the credits.


  • Attract: The intriguing picture of the star in this article can entice the reader. He dresses in every day and/or smart casual clothes that are appropriate for his bold declaration that he knows what makes a true gentleman. The reader is still drawn in, but the font used, as well as the fact that it is bolded, plays an important role in making it stand out.
  • Interest:
  • Desire:
  • Action:




Production Meeting Agenda

Using this production meeting agenda I planned where the shoot was going to take place, what date and time, and who was bringing what it. This will help me in the future as I will be able to refer back to it on the day leading up to the shoot and be more efficient in planning with my Models. Furthermore, it will help them as it shows what sort of clothing and props I will need them to wear on the day as well as them be clear on where and when the shoot will be. For my shoot, I have chosen more dark clothes for the day as I think it will suit the genre well and show great contrast to the world around the model making them stand out more. As well as using props such as a skateboard and jewelry. which are often a big part of the genre which I was able to learn by doing more research. This will work well and connote the genre to the audience. I will be bringing my own camera for the shoot making me responsible for any damages.

Below I have attached a screenshot of the shooting agenda:


Please click on the image to see the original.



What type of shots have been used to create a variety of shot distances and how has the camera been used to communicate meaning? 

A close-up mid-shot has been used to clearly capture some body language and to show the importance of the model’s facial expression. This use of the close-up and the focus on facial expressions is very successful and helps the reader to connote the mood of the genre. The directing of the model is very successful in portraying the diversity and how the genre appeals to both genders which is a good message to attract readers.

What choice of Mise en scene is appropriate for the star image and genre?

The model is wearing black clothes which are strongly chosen as they help the reader to understand the emotional and moody idea of the chosen genre. The model doesn’t look happy which helps to convey the miserable theme in the genre. There could possibly be the use of makeup to make it obvious that the genre represents moody and miserable.

  How far is the font used readable and reflects the genre?

The font is very readable and it is functional to convey the genre however I think a new font rather than the simple font that was used would be very helpful to convey the genre fully and to interest fans of the genre. There are a few different colors but the font is mostly the same and some variety would help make the contents page very attractive.

What technical conventions of a Contents page are present and used effectively?  

The contents page is conventional and you are able to tell that it is a contents page. It includes a masthead, page numbers, captions, and a star image. These conventions are used well but are lacking aspects of a typical contents page such as a pug, insets, and a page number for the contents page itself. 

How has Indesign been used to layout the page to convey a brand?

The eyeliner of the star is well placed to attract attention from the audience and the color gradient is very well chosen to convey the brand of the genre successfully. The white background could be viewed as plain and maybe quite depressing which is a good way to convey the brand but it could also be seen as unrelated to the genre and maybe a black or dark background would be better suited to the genre.  The contents themselves are laid out in a good place, they aren’t too close to the edge and they look very professional. The masthead is placed well in the middle of the page and is big enough to attract attention which is very good for a content page.

 How well have the text and visuals been integrated together?

The text doesn’t overlap the image and doesn’t block it out and it is very clear and easy to read however it could look very creative and dynamic if there was some text wrapped around an image as that could make it more unique as well. 

Where has photoshop been used to manipulate the photos to enhance the star image or genre? 

Photoshop, has been very well applied as the star image, has been cut out and put on to a white background and it looks very professional and doesn’t look tacky. I think some effects on the star image could really take the contents page to the next level but I think photoshop has been used successfully. 

 How is the language used appropriately for the genre and target audience?

All of the headlines and captions are very relevant to the genre and they include lots about artists from the genre. However, the use of appropriate language to the genre is satisfactory and could include a bit more to attract fans of the genre and make them want to read the magazine.

Clearly, strong, good, satisfactory, conventional, well good sense TOP LEVEL 4


Five targets for my contents page:

  1.  Fill in space where the model and margins meet.
  2. make the mast head stand out more.
  3. Add drop shadows at bottom of the page.
  4. Photoshop her lips to make them bolder.
  5. Fix the head mast black box.

What am I up Against?

When creating any magazine or form of designing it is important to do your research on other companies who have already made mistakes learn from them. Using these tasks I was able to learn a lot about how you interact with your audience matters greatly in them choosing to or not to use your product. For example, take on board constructive criticism and learning for it and how to make what the audience wants. Or interact with them over social media can help build better relationships with the fan base and attracts greater following by doing so. below I have attached a presentation of some commonly asked questions by other media companies and how I would answer them. The unique selling point of my magazine will be the social connection with the audience for feedback and for them tell us what they are want to read about and how they would prefer to consume the contents.


Contact sheet – Cover shoot


Above I have added the contacts sheets for the first cover page photoshoot for my magazine. by looking at my photo spread out I can narrow down which ones work with the genre easily as well as using mise en scene to show what I did well and what works with making my model look nature in the genre’s style. Looking at my the shoot plan I made before the shoot I can see that I was able to get the correct narrative that I was looking for from the shoot and the model.

I used the camera to form my narrative by positioning the model in a natural position that can be seen as relatable to the genre and using the camera to capture a movement or face expressions I am able to denote more emotions to the audience. Furthermore, by using the flash photography techniques I learned from the blog I was able to use a soft low key light used and white lamp with a cover to give the images some depth and more profound shadows.

Overall, In my opinion, I think this photo came out really well in representation of my genre and the model did really well to do that. But next time I will give more pointers to give me more opportunities when making the magazine, as her facial expression shows strong emotions but that was the one emotion portrait throughout the shoot due to me not being picky. the genre is all sad and dark rather an alternative to normal music. It is hugely important to make the shoot relate to the audience and create a positive judgment with the genre’s audience to be more effective.






This is a shoot plan that I created to help me guide the shoot what the model wear etc. I include in the plan; the equipment that I need to bring, the location of the shoot, the time, which studio, the model’s name, what she needs to bring and what makeup to use, jewellery, general directing of the model and an image for both me and the model can reference off. This will help me save time as well as stay organised for the shoot so that we only have to do it once for the front cover as to keep within deadlines.



I created this collage of different magazines and their take on a contents page which informs the read where different topics are in the magazine. From this task, I have learned that it is important to use images from a shoot in the contents page as if captures the consumer’s mind and makes them intrigued and want to read on about this person they have been shown in the front cover now the content page, this also helps denote to the correct individual audiences. Furthermore when the reader picks up this a magazine they will often turn to this page after looking at the main cover image to read more about what is in the magazine and if it interests them, making this a highly important page for designing and advertisement to the correct audience.


Above I have drawn four draft contents pages that I could use as possible designs for my magazine. these were designed to capture the read more and attract them to different pages.

For any contents page, you need to advertise the readers to story to keep them invested in the magazine, using catchy/ shocking/ interesting headlines. below are five interesting headlines examples that I could use and structure future headlines.

  1. Big news on how the pandemic is slow album releases. Page 1
  2. DEATH on the Eastside! Page 3
  3. Exclusive insight from Joji Page 5
  4. The hectic life of Lil Tracy in his own words. Page 7
  5. The real why Logic retired… Page 9

Using these sort of headlines I will be able to draw in the audience who listens to such artist as mentioned in the examples by using words and phrases such as ‘Big news’ and ‘Exclusive’. By insisting them into addiction information as to someones well being that they are invested into. to keep the consumer reading on, and buying the magazine again due to relevant news that has a means to them.