Category Archives: Preliminary Print Tasks

My Magazine Final Page Swede

My magazine Design

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Magazine example


NME Final

In this task we were allocated a magazine to copy and design using in-design and taught how to use the softer wear as we learning about the various tools  and skills you can use to made prints. I was given the magazine front page of Kendrick Lamar published by NME. why aim was the recreate the magazine front page to the finest detail, using the skill i had just be taught. I copy mostly everything apart from the backing image as that didn’t matter in the task that we were given. I started by getting a background image of Kendrick for the magazine then cropped it to fit in the a4 print and adjusted him to make him to where i would be putting the mask head etc.  i then added all the texts and barcode around him as closely to the example as possible for the best result.

Three thing I did well:

  1.  The main cover title is highly eye catching and matches the example and background closely as-well as being proportionate to the rest of the texts.

2.   The cover line fix well around his head and i added a fade from the right side to make the magazine look attractive and high quality.

3.   The NME logo top left is well representing of the real magazine and took along time to find the right font, to closely resemble the original. along with positioning  the date next to the the logo.

Things I could to better:

  1.  I could have chosen a better background image as back and white can be very hard to work around in colours of text.

During this task I learn high important skills that I will be able to use in my own magazine design process.

Links I used to learn about InDesign:



The Camera Talks

For this task I was put in a group of 3 and was told to you use one of ourDSLRs and take at-least 50 photos around the school that attempt to tel a story. using. distance, angel and framing to show how the camera can make meaning, as-well as use each other as models. we used Mise en scene to take the pictures in particular body language, facial expressions, posture, proxemics and gesture.

We tried to use:

Angle – high, low canted x 3, aerial

Distance – ECU, MS, LS, ELS x 3

Composition – rule of thirds, lead space and depth of field x 3

The main three Shot that are in the spread sheet above:

Two shot , which is two people and mostly with one foreground with one person looking away from the camera and the other slightly out of focus which adds enigmatic or mysterious feel to the picture.

Aswell as the the two shot we also used the extreme and regular close ups which allows the person looking at the image read the emotion and venerability of the image and make us imagine what is happing in the foreground.

When creating my own magazine front cover I will be able to use all of the Mise-en-scene that I have learn in this task to make to image more eye catching to my ideal audience which I would have chosen advertise to. These techniques include position, lighting, setting, angles and facial expressions too  conveys to the audience clearly.

Print Analysis – Muse

For this task I broke down a Muse poster and analysis how the effects of Mise en scene made it effective.

I learned  that simple easy mediums can connote an audience interest in a very simple but effective way. Using techniques such as Mise en scene which includes CLAMPS. For example the large bold red text and black and white background grabs the eyes attention, and makes us the consumers read the poster as is set out in simple bullet point formate and supplies us with enough impression and information to make us remember and potentially go to said performance.

C – Costume

L – Lighting

A – Action

M – Make up

P – Props

S – Setting


By analysing this poster I have increased my knowledge in Mise en scene , CLAMPS and other techniques. I will now be able to make captivating and efficient Magazines and Posters using elements such as Colour,  size , font and position.