Category Archives: Preliminary Video Tasks

Test footage for coverage / edit – shoot 1 music video

This is our group’s test shoot for our music video, it’s a 20-second sample from the music we have chosen with our actor’s lip-syncing to the music, the cinematography, and editing was done by the group to test what we are good at before setting specific rolls for the final shoot.

What when well whilst making the video is the lip-syncing and editing shared by the group as it matches with the music and beat.  what could have been better is checking that the camera was focused on the shots and getting more shots. Use better filters/ effects, use Instagram for inspiration.

Other points of what when well:

  • The use of different camera angles within the test piece helped to create a variety of different angles within the edits, allowing us to use different cuts and transitions in our edit.
  • The editing and different filters fit with the beat, and all changes in angle and shots were edited to the beat with a consistent pace of edit to the beat.
  • The juxtaposition of blank facial expressions and dancing creates an emotional struggle, which the song’s lyrics depict. Because teenagers are frequently conflicted, this makes the video relatable to them.
  • Even when no words are spoken, the use of close-ups allows the spectator to grasp the character and come to know what they are feeling.

3 targets:

  • Prepare for the shoot more and get all props and equipment ready before the start of the shoot.
  • Check angles and focal point of the camera.
  • Use more cinematography angles and always check shots and retake if necessary.


Focusing forward, coverage on the real shoot and edited music video. For this draft, my and my group have learnt that making time to correct and edit after filming is the most important thing, as we had to rush the final product for this task due to a lack of planning.  Furthermore, the use of mise en scene has proven vital to the success of a  music video, as in our first draft there was little to no connection between the lyrics and the actor, in the draft the star is portraited as an ordinary guy going about his day nothing extraordinary about him linking the song.  Also, the variety of shots is crucial, including misc such as more low and high angles and jump-cuts, which would really help connote the song lyrics.  In reflecting on the draft, there are a few key points that need to be addressed in our final piece, but overall we think for a first draft although, With lack of planning, we made a decent short music video and have learned a lot to incorporate in our draft next shoot.


Prelim Task Mood Montage

For this work, we had to plan, play out, and film a 40-second movie based on an emotion expressed by the teacher. We had a frustrating sensation that we needed to capture by acting and filming a performance based on it. We started by making a storyboard with all of our ideas. After making the storyboard we were able to design our video and pick what kinds of shots we wanted to include, as well as how we wanted to plan our transitions, using this information. We came up with three alternative situations to represent this displeasure. We filmed someone trying to untangle a set of wires, eventually giving up and growing angry, and then we filmed many shots from various perspectives of someone playing basketball and missing shots, culminating in an act of fury and frustration with which our video concluded.











  • We captured a variety of shots and angles
  • We were able to include some live transitions
  • Our group worked well together and we were able to include most of our ideas


  • The setting didn’t always match the feel of the scene or emotion
  • We were rushed, therefore we weren’t able to include all of our clips or as many transitions as we wished
  • Not all of our transitions were smooth and just ended up being cut off

Overall, I was able to gain knowledge from this work. I’ve started to gain a feel for the editing side of filmmaking and have been experimenting with various transitions and methods. I’ve also had the opportunity to work in a new group, which has increased my confidence and allowed me to talk and participate freely. I’ve gained a lot of positives from this exercise, which I’ll use as a foundation to work on and develop as I progress through the course’s practical stages.