That’s not Fashionable.

Glorified procedures,

And obesity ruins lives.

Plump up this,

Remove that.

Is that all humanity strives?

It’s all about the image,

Less about the thoughts.

More about the media,

Less what mother’s taught.

Let’s lose the weight they told us,

Gyms instead of beds.

Little girls of humanity,

That’s what’s inside their heads.

Speak Up.

LGBTQ+ rights and recognition has come a long way in a short period of time. In the 21st Century alone same sex couples been given the opportunity to wed, Pride months are better publicised and the community are more accepted within societies. Though there is still a lengthy way to go before LGBT rights are spoken of within schooling systems, an issue I regard as being of the upmost importance as a student myself, the progress has been monumental.

Coming out however, will never cease to be a struggle. For me, the closet was of little importance when it came to my mum. One minute I was struggling to find the words over dinner, the next I was out and my mum was flaunting her rainbow socks in support of my sexuality. My dad… Not so much. I’ve been out for 2 years at this point and the slurs (though infrequent) still are slipped in where possible. The fear of unacceptance can feel all-consuming and the weight on your shoulders before coming out will always be unbearable.

A close friend of mine lives with this fear as a constant. Coming out to me when drunk, it broke my heart to see someone I love so dearly experience the distress I once felt. To see a grown man crawled up into a ball and with streams of tears sliding down his cheeks was enough to unearth all the upset I too had experienced.

Rejection spurs people not to speak up and when it comes down to it that can’t always be avoided. Parents preach “I accept gay people, but I hope my child isn’t” and “I don’t have a problem with them, but I’d rather them not shove it in our faces”. It’s this “but” which discourages young people from expressing their sexuality and in the long run leads to severe repression that can affect many aspects of  their lives.

Society often nowadays go throughout life with rose tinted glasses, dismissing the thought that people still experience issues when coming out. It’s here, it’s now and it’s not going away. No matter the background, we’re still striving to find the confidence. Young and old alike, coming out will always be hard but my advice would be take your time and be in a calm environment where you’re comfortable.

The issue is this: the prejudice and discrimination people experience even prior to coming out can affect a person in an immence manner. The fact that people’s mental health is put at risk due to snide remarks and rude gestures is what leads me to fight against the tolerance of bullying.

So, let’s strive to spread awareness on the detriment caused by these reactions to the community and the discouragement it gives a person from coming out.


Welcome to my blog, a space where I can experiment with writing styles and get to know myself a tad better.

Here’s the must knows’ about me:

– My sexuality is of great importance to me and I wave the bisexual flag with pride.

– Growing up in a household with a single mother means our bond is unbreakable and she’s likely to make quite a few appearances in my posts.

– I’m an opinionated young woman and I tend not to hold back when expressing viewpoints I believe strongly in: that’s a caution.

Thus begins the making of my portfolio. Tread with care, you never quite know what you’re getting yourself into with Jessica Birch!