Hello Media Studies.

I am not very organised however it is a skill I am practising. It isn’t something that comes naturally to me. To help improve this skill I will download an app to help this process. I also think that making my work look nice will make me want to organise it.  My understanding of technology isn’t the best. However I am hoping and excited to learn and explore more skills. I love being creative as it is a way to express yourself and show your personal identity. Social media is my favourite type of media such as; Instagram, snap chat, Facebook, etc. I enjoy looking at people’s posts for inspiration, creating my own posts and taking photos.

Transferable skills- I am also studying Sociology and Psychology. There are some skills that I learn in these subjects which I can use in Media Studies. These skills include:

  • Writing
  • Reading
  • Analysing

I am quite a musical person which helps with my creativity. However, I know there is a lot more to learn throughout media.

My technical skills are something I need to work on. I have had some experience with photoshop but not a lot. This is something I am looking forward to gaining knowledge about over the next couple of years.

Things I want to gain from media:

  • Organisation
  • Understanding of technology
  • Editing images
  • Research skills

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