My image that uses Mise En Scene to communicate meaning

Mood Board

Made with Padlet

We were allocated our genre by picking it out a hat. My group chose Indie. After doing research we found out that there were different types of Indie music. Therefore, we chose Indie pop. As shown on the mood board we discovered that most Indie photos are aesthetic, fun and bright. The people also look very friendly, chilled back and quirky.

Most important MES conventions for the genre.

  • Body language
  • Props
  • Costume
  • Gestures

I think this because in the photos we found, whilst doing our research, the people were in quite relaxed, cool positions. Whilst most women in this genre had flowers in their hair and dressed in unique clothing, males had skateboards and wore baggy clothing (jeans and big jumpers).

The use of Mise En Scene in our genre (Indie) tells us it’s happy, fun, relaxed, unique, quirky. This is due to the make-up, hair, costumes, body language and costume. The Star image is that the people are young, friendly and quirky. A lot of the photos are heavily filtered to make all the vibrant colours pop. You will quite often find the colours clash. 


In this image there are post-it notes stuck on Toby. These have different adjectives that people wrote on them of the first word that came to mind about how he looked. This meant that we could compare them to how we were wanting him to look so that he looked Indie.

The adjectives that were used to describe him were:

  • Friendly
  • Chilled
  • Laid back
  • Skater
  • Reserved
  • Relaxed

This means that we did well to convey the Indie Pop genre because these are the words that we used in our mood board.


These are the photos that my group took for our Indie Pop genre. Toby wore baggy jeans, a baggy jumper and a bandana to represent this theme. We also chose these positions/ use of body language because they were similar to the images we found whilst doing our research.

Final image

I think this image will be my final picture. This is because it represents our genre in many ways.

  • The picture is taken from low camera angle
  • We have a skateboard as a prop
  • He is wearing baggy jeans and a baggy jumper
  • The bandana is used to add colour to his look
  • He looks chilled out and friendly due to his facial expressions and body language


This process has helped me gain some knowledge that will help me through the world of media in the next coupe of years. Doing a mood board was really useful. This is because it helped me get a feel for the style of music  and key points about our genre. Seeing all of these photos made us have a good idea of what we wanted our images to look like. I think our group did well at portraying Indie pop. However, there could have been some improvements such as: brighter/ more out there clothing and heavy filters.

The biggest thing I learned from this task is the importance of Mise En Scene. This is because without the skateboard and style of clothing in these images, they would just look like ordinary photos. However, with these characteristics it helps the audience know what genre we are trying to convey.  Therefore, in my future media work I will know to focus more on Mise En Scene.

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