The camera talks

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These are all the images that my group took. We tried to use a variety of different camera angles to portray different meanings. I think that  my group did well. However, we could taken a lot more images and used a larger variety of camera angles to portray many different story lines. There a many different emotions shown in just these 25 images.

9 best images

These are my 9 favourite images out of the 25 we took. I chose these because they all have a clear narrative. These 9 images also show a variety of different camera angles. For example, the long shot of Ben walking shows us he’s lonely and on his own. The high angle on the stairs portrays vulnerability. Each of these images leave us with a good idea about what is going on.

Some angles/ shots we used:

  • Long- shot – this implies the person in the image is isolated/ lonely.
  • Close-up – this can be used to show how important the thing that you have focused on is.
  • High angle – this shows vulnerability because you are making them look like the smaller person.
  • Low angle – this makes the person in the image seem important and dominant.
  • We also used mid-shot. However, for a mid-shot photo it doesn’t create such a strong meaning.

Although these camera shots create meanings, we still have to think about body language, facial expression, posture, proxemics and gesture. This is because although the angles create a meaning/ feeling, it doesn’t create a story. The way the person in the photo is positioned gives us a story.


During this task I have learned how much impact the camera angle has on the narrative of an image. Its not always just about the Mise En Scene. Therefore, in my media work over the next couple of years I will be sure to really think about which camera angle/ shot would be best to convey the meaning behind the image. It is a really good way to improve your creativity.

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