My Tour Poster

Mood Board

Reflection on mood board

Creating this mood board really helped me gain knowledge on what I would need to include in my tour poster. I gave me a better idea of the Indie Pop style. From making this mood board I will now  use bright colours (to grad the audiences attention), an unusual style and bold text (to make it interesting), words to make the poster desirable and layers to create action. It has given me ideas of ways I could lay out my poster and make it eye catching.

My tour poster

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This task really helped me gain more knowledge on Photoshop and in design. At first I didn’t really understand how to use either of the apps. However towards the end of this task I started feeling more comfortable. This will really help in Media in the future especially with my music magazine because I now know what features I need to include in a music based media. For example, tours, dates, locations. I think I will also choose Indie for my magazine which means this has helped me know which colours, poses and text fit in with the genre.


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