Draft of Front Page and Self Assessment

Front cover draft

Self assessment

5 targets to give myself:

  • Add more cover lines relevant to my target audience.
  • Consider different layouts to make it more exciting.
  • Edit image more on Photoshop to portray youth.
  •  Also on Photoshop, cut out the image better so there isn’t anything else around the model.
  • Add a price


Doing this first draft has really helped me get a better feel for InDesign and Photoshop which makes me feel a lot more confident. It has also helped me get an idea of what I want my final front cover to look like and how I can achieve this.

Doing my self assessment really helped me because it got me thinking about what I need to improve on and therefore I was able to give myself 5 main targets. When applying these targets to my front cover I really need to remember to  keep it relative to my target audience.

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