Third Draft of Magazine

Draft 3 Front Cover

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Things I changed from draft 2 to 3

  • I made the eye brighter – I made them more blue and the white more vibrant.
  • I also made her teeth whiter.
  • I de-blemished her using photoshop as well.
  • I added a bit of sparkle to her top.
  • Added more cover lines to fill in gaps.
  • Made the pug a little smaller and moved it.
  • Added in the genre of music.
  • Moved the date to the top.
  • Added some orange text.
  •  Moved the barcode to the right side.

Draft 3 Contents Page

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Things I changed from draft 2 to 3

  • I rearranged the text and images to make it feel a little less squashed. To this I removed and image and a page number.
  • I made ‘CONENTS’ bolder to make it stand out.
  • I gave the actual page a page number.
  • I wrote the names of the people in the insets.
  • Got rid of an image so that there wasn’t two of the same artist.
  • Moved the orange lines so that it didn’t look like a flag and to fill in empty space.
  • Changed the sense of ‘tour dates’ box.

Draft 3 DPS

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Things I changed from draft 2 to 3

  • Made the title more bold.
  • Spread everything out so it’s not so squashed.
  • De-blemished her on photoshop.
  • Moved the insets.
  • Got rid of the empty space.
  • Added text related to insets.

Feedback from Draft 3

Reflection – Front cover

  • I need to sort out my cover lines around her hands and make sure the middle doesn’t overlap her hand. Also make them all capital letters.
  • Smaller spaces between the cover lines.
  • Make Freya Rose cover lines bigger and move more to the right so the jewellery can be seen.
  • Add price and re position barcode.
  • Move everything further away from the spine.
  • Move ‘reeze’ part of Breeze further up.

Reflection – Contents Page

  • Move the titles for the images inside the box and add the page number for where that artist is featured.
  • Make titles bigger and boxes closer together.
  • Edit page number from 2 to 3.
  • Add something along the long line on the cross.

For my final contents, I think I will go back to the layout of my original contents page as I have realised I prefer and fits better with the theme of my magazine.

Reflection – Double Page Spread

  • Make stand first bigger.
  • Move drop capital to where the article starts.
  • Make questions a different font and/or colour.
  • Delete hyphens.
  • Too crowded.
  • Make titles fir images different colours or font and make them shorter.
  • Correct page number.

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