Pitch and Feedback

Final pitch

Filmed Presentation

Unfortunately, due to the YouTube access within our school, this video has been taken down.


We found this feedback on our pitch very useful as it shows us how to improve and what is working out of our ideas. It has given us a better idea and understanding of what we are needing to portray and how we represent this narrative. Our teacher gave us helpful feedback which we are going to take on board and consider for our music video. This has helped us piece our music video together in our heads meaning we can really visualise what it’s going to look like now.

6 Positives:
  •  Good aesthetic to show her elegance.
  • Appropriate locations for the genre.
  • Paint scene shows she isn’t letting anything get under her skin.
  • Appropriate model for the song choice.
  • Variety of scenes so it won’t get too boring.
  • Good storyline.
6 Improvements:
  • Add another significant narrative – her moving on from her ex.
  • Focus on facial expressions.
  • Is there going to be scenes showing her upset? or is it all going to be her showing she isn’t phased?
  • How many flashback scenes are there going to be?
  • Use correct mes en scene for the genre.
  • Use a variety of mes, camera shots and techniques throughout.

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