Language Analysis

The article

The name of the double page spread I will by analysing is ‘What makes a perfect gentleman’ (September 2017) – Wyclef Jean.

In the article, Wyclef Jean is saying ‘what makes a perfect gentlemen’ and giving his ‘top 10 tips’. He includes some personal stories. Journalistic techniques have been used because we know who it’s about (him, aimed at men), what it about (‘what makes a perfect gentleman’) and it even includes dates therefore when events happened. Blumler and Katz (1975) uses and gratification theory has been applied to certain aspects of this article. It is a source of entertainment ad the audience can read either his personal stories or tips and social interaction because people will wan to give their view on what they think will make a perfect man – causing discussions and binding.


This article is laid out so that the main part of each of the 10 tips are in bold and then the information or story is in a smaller and non bold font. This is so that the attention is drawn to the main factors to catch the readers eye.


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