All posts by lilylepage

Draft 3

Tally Feedback


After completing out draft 3 Digipak, we printed it off and put it into a CD case to help us get a better feel for how it will look. Looking at this made us realize what we needed to add to the spines and any gaps there are that we need to fill. We then asked other people to guess the genre of it. This was to help us see how well we followed the conventions of our genre. As you can see we did very well at sticking to the correct features for out genre and our genre is Pop and that has significantly the most votes.

Social Media Page Draft 1


For this task, we looked at out Instagram page for our artist and compared it to the criteria. This allowed us to see what we are doing well and what else we need to add. This helped us set ourselves some targets.


Please click on image to see instagram page



  • Post about charities and raise awareness of certain topics.
  • Create merchandise and promote physical copies of our music.
  • Link our star with other brand and products, for example as a sponsor etc. 
  • Show where the star’s music can be brought.
  • Creating converged links with other media and stars.


Timeline and Marketing Ideas


After looking at sandbox, we gained a better understanding of what we should include within our social media page and what conventional to out genre. We help us plan what our social media page in going to look like, we made a timeline. This  allows us to see what we have included, how we have used synergy, audience interaction, information and other features to keep the audience entertained.