Category Archives: Component 1

Print Media that Communicates Meaning – A Tour Poster


This is the poster I chose to annotate. I chose this one because it has a lot of characteristics which represent Ariana Grande is a sophisticated artist.

Looking at this has helped represent what a good poster looks like. Therefore, this will help me in the future tasks (magazine).  This is because I now know how much Mise En Scene impacts the story of your media. Without Mise En Scene in this poster you would never be able to tell what sort of artist she is without listening to her music.

Going forward, I now know to use the correct costumes, makeup, hair, colour, text, images, etc to create the correct narrative.

The colour, image, text and words are extremely important in media because they help enforce the image/ idea you are trying to get across.

The Mise-En-scene for this tour poster is makeup, colour, and the floral theme. This portrays her elegance.


Hello Media Studies.

I am not very organised however it is a skill I am practising. It isn’t something that comes naturally to me. To help improve this skill I will download an app to help this process. I also think that making my work look nice will make me want to organise it.  My understanding of technology isn’t the best. However I am hoping and excited to learn and explore more skills. I love being creative as it is a way to express yourself and show your personal identity. Social media is my favourite type of media such as; Instagram, snap chat, Facebook, etc. I enjoy looking at people’s posts for inspiration, creating my own posts and taking photos.

Transferable skills- I am also studying Sociology and Psychology. There are some skills that I learn in these subjects which I can use in Media Studies. These skills include:

  • Writing
  • Reading
  • Analysing

I am quite a musical person which helps with my creativity. However, I know there is a lot more to learn throughout media.

My technical skills are something I need to work on. I have had some experience with photoshop but not a lot. This is something I am looking forward to gaining knowledge about over the next couple of years.

Things I want to gain from media:

  • Organisation
  • Understanding of technology
  • Editing images
  • Research skills

I am a media prosumer

This collage shows all the of the media that I interact with. This media help me communicate, entertains, gives me information and also helps to build me personal identity.

Entertainment includes:

  • Netflix
  • YouTube
  • Love Island

Social interaction:

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Snap Chat

Personal Identity:

  • Music
  • Social Media posts
  • Clothing websites


  • Guernsey press
  • ITV news
  • Island FM

Knowing of all these types of media will help me with my Media Studies work. This is because I now know what types of things media include. After seeing what sort of media is the most popular it will really help me to create something hopefully most people will like. For example; I can include bright colours as most people enjoy how fun it makes the media look and how eye catching it is. The layout is also really important because it needs to be easy to understand and use. If the layout is confusing no one will want to read/ interact with it.  I may not have thought about the social interaction side of media before now. Therefore it will be something I really think about when making my magazine.

When I make my magazine I will be sure to make the audience want to engage with my media. I will do this by making it informative, entertaining, socially interactive and interesting.  This will also help to maximize the popularity of my magazine.


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