Category Archives: Music Video

Narrative Development

Narrative Sheet

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This is the plan for our narrative and structure. It shows what we are trying to portray and how we are panning on doing this. We are planning on showing expectation vs reality. To do this we will have the model being directed by a ‘manager’ and being told what to do and what to wear. She will feel more confident in her normal clothes compared to the clothes her wants her to wear to ‘look good’. Therefore, binary opposition of expectation vs reality.

Visual Shot List for Shoot 1

Visual shots


We have looked at different shots we could use and how we could use these to portray aspects of our genre. There are a repertoire of elements conveyed by these techniques. Using cinematography is important for showing your star image and how that star image is represented. Doing this has also shown us shots and editing techniques that are conventional within media and how they are used.

Star Image

Mood board

# Click on image


We have created this mood board so that we can see the style that is unique to this song. Therefore, we have various images and articles which portray the star image and how they need to come across. We need to make our star image represent the narrative. We can see the ordinary and extraordinary ways in which Sabrina Carpenter is conveys through media. From this, we can see the Paradox of the Star, hypothesized by Richard Dyer.

This task has helped us gain ideas for how we want our star image to look and what sort of narrative her look needs to portray. Therefore, we will make her wear an elegant dress and make up look. She needs to look well-dressed. The star image of Sabrina Carpenter is going to transfer onto our model by making her look elegant, confident, like a star, popular and wealthy. This will be done by the way we ask her to dress and the ways in which to acts/ poses.

Production Meeting for Shoot 1

Production meeting

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Our overall aim for our shoot is to film the performance side of our music video. As we only have our model (Ellie) for a small part of the day, we understand that we may not have time to film all we need. Therefore, we are prepared to use this same plan for a 2nd shoot on another day that suits everyone involved in order to film all in all of the performance.

Pitch and Feedback

Final pitch

Filmed Presentation

Unfortunately, due to the YouTube access within our school, this video has been taken down.


We found this feedback on our pitch very useful as it shows us how to improve and what is working out of our ideas. It has given us a better idea and understanding of what we are needing to portray and how we represent this narrative. Our teacher gave us helpful feedback which we are going to take on board and consider for our music video. This has helped us piece our music video together in our heads meaning we can really visualise what it’s going to look like now.

6 Positives:
  •  Good aesthetic to show her elegance.
  • Appropriate locations for the genre.
  • Paint scene shows she isn’t letting anything get under her skin.
  • Appropriate model for the song choice.
  • Variety of scenes so it won’t get too boring.
  • Good storyline.
6 Improvements:
  • Add another significant narrative – her moving on from her ex.
  • Focus on facial expressions.
  • Is there going to be scenes showing her upset? or is it all going to be her showing she isn’t phased?
  • How many flashback scenes are there going to be?
  • Use correct mes en scene for the genre.
  • Use a variety of mes, camera shots and techniques throughout.

Final Song Choice

Redesign of Pitch


This pitch shows our final song choice and our ideas for it. We chose the song I used in my mini pitch (SKIN) because it would be more practical with the people we know that can be our star model. After reading the lyrics and listening to the song multiple times we were able to understand the clear narrative and therefore come up with the themes and issues for our music video. The main theme and issue is the main star was in a relationship which has now ended. He wants her to be mad/ upset, however she isn’t ( or is hiding the fact she is) and he doesn’t like her being happy. But she doesn’t let him get to her. This is illustrated by the lyrics ‘ even you can’t get under my skin’.

Mini Pitch

My Mini Pitch


This is my mini  pitch that I will present to my group. I will also listen to their ideas and we can then decide which idea we are going to follow and then compromise on other ideas. I chose this song because it is simple and appropriate for the model I am planning on using. When listening to the song, I can visualise the narrative and ideas about how I am going to portray this. It will be a fairly elegant music video meaning this is how I would need to make my star image come across. For example, MES would be neutral make-up, floaty dress and curled hair. The location would be a field and it supports the cottage core aesthetic.

Perfect Production Group

Our Table

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This is mine and Amber’s table to show how we are going to go about planning and filming our music video. It includes who is in charge of what and what we will do if somethings goes wrong or we have a disagreement. We have both signed it to show that we agree with the statements made. Overall, we decided that communication is key and that is how we need to solve all of our problems as soon as they arise as we don’t want to leaver it and let it get worse.