Category Archives: Music Video

Favourite Music Video from Former Student

Favourite Video


Technical conventions:

  • In this music video there are many lip syncing scenes which are done really well and you can tell the model knows the words.
  • There is plenty of editing and flashing between shots on the beat which creates suspense and a variety of emotions.
  • Many different shots have been used and they are constantly making the most out of their entire frame.

Narrative and performance

  • Both narrative and performance shots have been used in this music video.
  • The narrative helps the audience understand the story they’re trying to portray.
  • The performance shows the audience she knows the lyrics and therefore implies she understand the meaning behind the song.
  • A mixture of the two sill help the audience engage with their music video.

How has the star been represented?

  • The star has been represented and an independent young female.  She is strong and powerful.
  • However, throughout the video there is a creepy atmosphere creating suspense and an eerie feeling. She can come across as scary and threatening.

How has the video been styled, designed, filmed and edited

  • The whole video has a weird feeling to it which relates to the song and the lyrics within it.
  • As stated before, the editing of the clips to the beat of the music helps to convey this feeling.
  • The artists make up and mes en scene also portrays the intimidating star image as the make up can come across as scary (looking like bruises) and the clothing looks ruined and old.
  • This video promotes the artist as I feel it is the same sort of vibe/ feeling they were wanting  to show. Billie Eilish is the original artist and often follows this style.

Detailed Music Video Analysis

Detailed Analysis

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Music Video Reflection

For this task, I watched the music video multiple times before and whilst answering the questions on the sheet above. Answering these questions really made to think about and focus on parts of a music video you would never really think about when just watching it. It has really helped to better my understanding of what music videos need to include in order to be successful and get the narrative across.


Music Video Form & Conventions

Analysis Table

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For this task, I deconstructed 4 music videos and analysed each of them. This allowed me to see what conventions work well within music videos. I also observed how MES, the narrative and the star image work together to tell and story and make it easy for the audience to know what is happening and also what the genre of music is. I watched 3 mixed videos ( narrative and performance) and 1 pure performance video. I much preferred the mixed videos and therefore want to do that in my music video. This task has really helped me gain ideas for the style of music I want to use, MES and content ratio. It has also helped inform me what a good music video looks like.