Category Archives: Preliminary Video Tasks

Test Shoot

Practice music video


We have made this music video coverage to try out different shots and how well they work with out style. The close- ups are very effective for the lip syncing. Doing this helped us come up with ideas of how we want our star image to look and how to make them look ordinary and extraordinary. We were pleased with the editing the music in time with the lip syncing especially as it was our first time. We do realize that there are many elements wrong with this video due top the lack of angles.  This is something that we have learnt from and will therefore improve for our actual music video. Also, we didn’t really like the colour filter we put on the video, however we wanted to explore premier pro and work out how to do it.

Prelim Task Mood Montage


We were separated into different groups to allow us to work with different people. This meant we were able to put our ideas together to create a montage appropriate to the theme we picked out. Above is the storyboard we made in order to plan exactly what we are going to do, what we need and where about we are going to go around school. This storyboard made it a lot more efficient when recording and allowed us to see the variety of shots we were going to use.

Our montage

This is our final montage. We understand there are many rooms for improvement, but I have found this task very useful as it taught me how to use Premier Pro to snip videos, add effects, put them together to make it into one flowing video and other general edit for narrative effect.

3 Strengths

  • We used a transition between Aimee walking across the crossing and Lewis running across.
  • We had contrast between me and Aimee in the morning vs Lewis in the morning and showing it is manic if you aren’t organised.
  • We used a variety of locations around the school and used props we could find that would fit with the song.

3 Weaknesses

  • We didn’t  use many different shots and angles.
  • We didn’t have any facial expressions.
  • The whole video doesn’t really flow very well.

However these weaknesses are all things I will take on board to help me make my music video the best it can be.