The Camera Talks


  1. Medium/long shot through a window.  Alone in a room/locked in. Isolation.
  2. Medium/long shot from behind. Playing the piano in a dark room. Solitude and peace.
  3. Medium through a door. Looking through the door potentially spying on someone. A range of different emotions and feelings could be given off from this image.
  4. Medium high angle shot. Stood at the bottom of the stairs looking away from the camera, could be waiting for someone.
  5. Wide angle long shot. Stood in the middle of the hall. Lonely
  6. Medium/long extreme high angle shot. Walking down the stairs. Vulnerable.
  7.  Long shot slightly high angle. Crouching in the middle of a hallway, possibly just received bad news.
  8. Medium/long of model sitting. Looking out of the window. Contemplating.
  9. Close extreme high angle down stairs. Vulnerable.

Cameras can be used in many different ways to give off a meaning in a picture or video, such as using many of the different settings or angles. These meanings/feelings can be emphasised by the different camera angles, settings or mise-en-scene.