A New Improved Front Page

These are my first drafts of my cover page, the cover page with the grey background was my original before any changes were made. The cover page with the black background is after making the changes given by a peer. These changes are:

  • Changing the background colour from grey.
  • Change the size of the barcode.
  • Move website links etc to the top and move the image down to where the url was.
  • I am going to change my font used so it is different from the masthead.
  • Changed masthead font.
  • Slightly changed the yellow to be more vibrant.

I hope the changes made can make the top of the magazine feel a little less empty and the black background will be stronger than the grey. I hope that more attention will be drawn to the relevant areas instead of the irrelevant areas such as the barcode.

Original Version:

New and improved version: