What is a Contents Page?

We learnt all about the conventional features of a contents page, knowing these features will be extremely useful when I make my own contents page for my music magazines. We put our knowledge of the conventional features by sketching our own design of a contents page and came up with our own headlines. The reason for having headlines that use specific words such as ‘secret’ and ‘exclusive’ is to draw the consumers attention and hook them into the article, once the reader is hooked it is easy to keep them attracted to the magazine with a good article. People use clickbait titles to draw in the consumers which is when your title uses words and sentencing that isn’t all true to the content in the article or it can be very exaggerated. Creators have to be careful with how bad the clickbait in their media is, if it is completely unrelated to their actual media people will make it a concerned and will be negative toward the creator.