Test Shoots

Footage from our test shoots:

This is our first draft of our music video, for our first draft I’m very happy with how this has turned out. I feel like we have well represented our star and set them up to fit in with the narrative.

What we could do better:

  • We need more shots.
  • We need different angles not just the same one multiple times.
  • Need to figure out how to fit the narrative in.
  • We want to try the background a bit darker.
  • Change the costume/Mise en scene








Final Song Choice

Our final song choice is ‘Drake – Gyalchester’

We chose this song because:

  • The general sound of the song fits with our music videos narrative unlike something like a 2000’s pop song.
  • This song is slower than many other rap songs, making it easier to lip sync.
  • This genre of our chosen song is also not common during this project and we wanted to try something different.

Drake – Gyalchester Lyrics | Genius Lyrics




Perfect Production Group


This agreement was decided between our group (me, Tyler and Jacob), this shows how we can settle our disagreements, split work evenly and what we can do if we are unhappy with anything during this project.

Detailed Music Video Analysis


Music Video Form and Conventions