The Dark Knight Narrative Analysis

Reflection on how far the hero’s journey is completed

Whilst Batman can be described as not a ‘typical hero’ due to his controversial decisions, he does complete a hero’s journey during The Dark Knight. During The Dark Knight Batman has to overcome his clever villain, The Joker, who throughout the film continues to surprise him. After The Joker robs the bank, Lucius Fox assists Batman by helping him make new equipment due to his call to adventure. Batman then continues his journey whilst The Joker tries to kill the commissioner and then storms the party. Batman then hits the crisis of his journey when Rachel is killed as The Joker forces him to choose whether to save Rachel or Dent. The treasure of his journey is when The Joker is caught however this soon becomes a catastrophe when The Joker corrupts Dent and he becomes two-faced. Batman’s new life during his journey is when he flees Gotham City in order to do what the city needs. During the resolution Batman is perceived as the villain and is disgraced.

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