Draft 2 (Edit including titles)

This is our draft 2 of the thriller with the added improvements and titles that we made on after effects which has helped to start finalising our thriller.

Below is the feedback we were given about our titles. We were given our feedback by Alex,Becksley and Caitlin.

They thought that:

  • Our titles worked well altogether.
  • we need to make sure the titles are easy to read and are positioned well.
  • Make sure that we didn’t break much continuity.

Other feedback we have been given to help improve are feedback are:

  • The titles are bit quick.
  • Make our titles fade off even if they have to go over clips,like the fade off with the main title.  
  • The grainy cloud at 0.06 might need to be all the way through or more.
  • Cut when the doctor walks towards the camera at 0.19 is a bit halted so need to fix that by making him walk earlier.
  • At 0.41 is there a close up of the plastic being ripped?
  • 0.57 close up point of view of the diagrams?
  • MOA at 1.41 is a bit odd,do we break the 180 degree rule?
  • Transition back to Harry starting to move?
  • 1.56 Harry’s eyes have a smile in them we could zoom into them more?

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