My Media Diet

Here is a collage of my media consumption.


The process of making my media diet made me more aware of the different types of media I use and how it has impacted my everyday life. In this task, we created a visual representation of the media we consume on a Google Slides document and applied it to “Blumler and Katz’s four basic uses and gratification of media”.

The four basic uses include the following:

  • Social Relationships
  • Personal Identity
  • Entertainment
  • Information

These four uses of media all relate to my media diet of what I use daily. For example, social relationships includes social media for contacting my friends/family. Personal Identity involves the music I listen to or the shopping websites I use to buy clothes. Entertainment consists of the movies/TV shows I have watched and finally, Information relates to the social media I use and how I hear about the news going on in the world. Going forward, I will construct my music magazine by including all the key components of the Blumler and Katz media theory to reach my target audience and produce a powerful, eye-catching piece of work.




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