Tour Poster Analysis

This is my annotated Google slide on a Tour Poster about the band The Cure.


We annotated a Tour Poster based on “Mise-En-Scene” which we remember using the acronym CLAMPS:

  • Costume
  • Lighting
  • Acting/Action
  • Makeup & Hair
  • Props
  • Setting

We did this to get an idea of what to include when making our music magazine and what represents the artist in a way to also reflect on the target audiences values, attitudes and beliefs. I learnt that if you include all these visual elements they will bind together to create a narrative towards the target audience about the artist and their music whether that is a joyful impression or a gothic one. It will also allow the audience to deconstruct my media work so they can decode the messages behind it. Mise-En-Scene will impact my future designs as it will ensure that if I include each element, my piece of work will have more of a chance of becoming a success, the success being what best relates to my audience.

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