Branding Ideas/Marketing Strategy + Mission Statement

For my music magazine I have decided to choose the genre “Indie”. The name for my music magazine is Liberty. I chose the name Liberty because it means “being free within society” which relates to Indie music as they have a sense of freedom when creating their music as they are usually free from the control of major record labels and corporations.

To ensure I maximise my sales I will consider Blumler and Katz’s Uses and Gratification theory. These include; Social Relationships, Personal Identity, Entertainment and Information. By considering these aspects of the theory, it will vitalize the appeal of the contents of my magazine and hit my target audiences values and beliefs.

I also need to put into consideration the USP, which stands for unique selling point. I will do this to guarantee my magazine differentiates from my competition and deliver a standard piece of work which will encourage my audience to buy the magazine.

Here is a World Cloud I have created that relate to what my mission statement for my magazine may include:

My Mission Statement:

“Liberty is one of the top magazines that promotes the love of Indie music. We will include all your favourite artists, exclusive interviews, upcoming tour dates, and opportunities to win concert tickets. Our magazines will make you experience a sense of community and inspire you to relate to the freedom Indie artists undergo. Our content will promote an exciting, authentic, stylish approach to the Indie Genre.”

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