Chosen Adverts

I have chosen 3 adverts which fits in well with evidencing how well I understand my target audience. Although we won’t be assessed or moderated on this page, it’s important to include them not only for presentation purposes but to ensure having that extra page in my magazine will help make the Flipsnack platform work better.

When researching adverts for my magazine, I considered Blumler and Katz’s theory in order to maximise audience engagement. The theory includes; social relationships, personal identity, entertainment and information. By accessing the information and entertainment, it can reinforce their personal identity and how they will socially interact with the magazine. I have chosen to Include a band poster, an advert for a product I believe my target audience would be interested in, and a festival poster.

Below is the adverts I have chosen which may appear on the inside cover of my magazine.

I have chosen an Arctic Monkeys poster to put inside my music magazine because they are a well-known indie artist which I believe would interest majority of my target audience. The poster is quite simplistic with a slight pop of colour to grab the audience’s attention, and not too much information is displayed, which is similar to how I want my front cover to be like so it doesn’t look boring to read which may result in a loss of customers. 

For my next advert, I have chosen “Hohner” which is an instrument manufacturing company. In this advert they have included electric guitars. I think this is well-suited to my target audience because it is an instrument most commonly used within indie music, therefore I think that my target audience would be interested in it and if they decided to buy one they will feel like a real Indie artist themselves and relate to the star. 

For my final advert, I have chosen to include an Indie Festival. From the name being “INDIE FEST” it immediately grabs the attention of my target audience as they know they will most likely be interested in the festival as it’s all to do with indie artists performing. 


From researching different adverts that may be included in my music magazine, I have specifically chosen a couple which will be my target audiences prefered readings. I know this because of the research I did previously on YouGov which helped me create a dating profile containing the likes and dislikes of an example of a target audience member. From this I was able to identify the demographics and psychographics of my genre (Indie). The demographics included people with a millennial age range (27-42), and both male and females. The psychographics may include hobbies such as, listening to music and playing the guitar.


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