2nd Draft DPS

Below is my second draft of my double page spread:

What’s new?

  • I added a drop shadow to my image to create more of a realistic appeal
  • I ensured I used the whole image so the guitar wasn’t cut out
  • I added in an official date and changed the page number to suit where it will be according to my contents page
  • I included a standfirst to help draw my audience in and sell them the content of the article

What’s next?

  • Add in my final draft of my DPS article after the improvements made in response to my teachers feedback and my MP3 recording
  • Experiment with the typography of the word ‘RISES’ to make sure it portrays the correct message to my audience, and make it the ‘same but different’ to other magazines as they are my competition and I will want to succeed, but whilst staying within the conventions of my genre
  • Try out different effects on my image and edit some aspects of it in photoshop to make it look more professional

Focus Forward

By indicating my targets for my next draft, it enables me to create a stronger third draft which suits my target audience’s preferred readings so it can be successful, whilst also being able to showcase my ability when using Indesign and Photoshop at a high standard.

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