Typeface Layouts

A Typeface is a particular type of a design including letters, numbers, and other symbols used for display. Typeface/ font layouts are important when when attempting to engage the audience as it’s not just the photography that will be the main reason that hooks the audience’s attention. Some examples of typeface categories include:

  • Serif– traditional, sophisticated, formal
  • Sans-serif– modern, legible, clean
  • Script– elegant, formal, difficult to read
  • Handwritten– informal, friendly, fun

Below is some visual examples of typeface designs:

Below is four of my existing cover lines that I have redesigned and considered the layout for:

  • “Rises To Fame”– I used a sans-serif font and I made each letter a different size. This is because it can be decoded by the audience of my stars journey/process to rising to her fame. I also used a pop of colour to make it less boring and more interesting to look at.
  • “The Road To Independence”– I used a sans-serif font again but this time I used a font which had a road design to make it have a more visually exciting appeal.
  • “Indie Star”– I used a sans-serif font and also used a font to convey the physical meaning of the word to make it more interesting to look at but also emphasise the word throughout the whole statement/cover line.
  • “Your Music Companion Since 2002”– I used a serif font for this cover line. Since I haven’t used serif fonts throughout my magazine it makes it stand out more to the audience and gives it more of a formal approach to show the professional nature of my magazine.

By using a Sans-serif font for majority of my redesigns, it works well for my genre and star image as it is easy to read and conveys a casual, friendly approachable vibe which is what I was aiming for. I experimented with the size of letters, font types, and adding some colour to create a visually attractive appeal so it can be accepted by my target audience.


This task enabled me to experiment with the layout, fonts, colours, and sizes of text and the impact of the importance of how the way your text looks can also represent how you want your genre/star to be portrayed. It also made me understand from a piece of text, your audience can decode the meaning from it and not just from images.

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