1st Draft of Front Page and Self Assessment

Below is my first draft of my front cover:

Self assessment


When making my first draft of my front cover of my magazine I had to consider the conventional features of the indie music magazines I have researched as inspiration, whilst also bearing in mind the elements of AIDA to ensure I was attracting my target audience’s attention, their interest, their desire to accept my product, and taking action to buy it.

As well as this, I need to put into consideration my target audiences personal identity. This is because if I can be more aware of their own identity, I know what will interest them more into being influenced in my magazine. Social interaction is also vital when putting together my front cover and I can consider this effectively by not putting too much information in my cover lines, so the audience won’t get bored of reading, and therefore potentially lose interest.

For my first draft, I believe it went well but there is room for improvement. That being the case, I have made myself 5 targets for my next draft:

  • Fix the white background in her hair that didn’t get photoshopped well
  • Add in my cover lines
  • Add in the barcode/price
  • Discover more fonts for the main cover line and cover lines to see if there is one that portrays the indie genre more effectively as at the moment it gives a formal impression which isn’t what I am aiming to do
  • Since I have used a gradient background from dark red to red, and my masthead is in black, it looks somewhat dark so I can look into the colour choices


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