Media Concepts


For this task we created a mind map on the overview of the four key concepts of media. The four key concepts include:

  • Audience
  • Representation
  • Industry
  • Language

Audience: The ways in which different audiences respond/interact to media texts. I must consider who my target audience is for my music magazine to ensure I can satisfy their views.

Representation: How the media re-presents reality. I will consider what ideas, ambitions and beliefs I want to convey about my artist and their music.

Industry:  How media texts make money. I will review how my magazine will make money depending on my target audience and also making sure they get the most out of their money for what they are expecting.

Language: The ways in which media texts communicate ideas, meaning, significance and emotion which can be read by an audience. I need to think about the technical aspects of the magazine to convey a narrative.

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