1st Draft of The Double Page Spread

Below is the first draft of my double page spread:

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What I like:

  • I like the size of the image as the audience will be able to clearly identify who the star is
  • I like the size of the headline as it stands out of what the article will be about
  • I have included many conventional features of  a double page spread, eg page number, image, headline etc

What I need to do:

  • Experiment with the image, eg editing the image
  • Experiment with the placement of the headline and space out the words more from each other
  • Add in an official date
  • Identify some other ways I can interpret the word “Rises”
  • Frame my image well so the whole guitar is in it and doesn’t cut off


When creating my first draft of my double page spread I carefully considered the layout of where I was aiming to put my headline, image, information etc. I also had to make sure my image and headline was a good size to ensure I would catch the attention of my audience, and I had to consider a catchy headline that would hopefully get the interest of them too and real them in to reading further. I chose to include an image that used a guitar as a prop so it gives a potential relation between the star and the audience and give them a chance to show their personal identity.


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