2nd Draft Front Page

Below is my second draft of my front page of my magazine:

What’s new? x6

  • I changed the colour of the background to white
  • I added a barcode, price and date
  • I put some information in my pug and changed the border design
  • I changed the main cover image
  • I put in my coverline information
  • I changed some fonts to suit my genre more

What’s next? x6

  • Consider the layout of my cover lines and possibly add more to fill the negative space
  • Position “The road to independence” so it is central in the red box (width/height)
  • I could make the image a bit bigger to really emphasise my star to the audience
  • Fix the gap in the border of my pug
  • Consider changing the colour of the red box so it isn’t red against red which may clash
  • Centralise the text in my pug


When improving my front cover I considered the targets from my first draft, these included; adding in my cover lines, using different fonts which fit in with the conventions of my genre, and I added in my barcode and price of my magazine. By incorporating these aspects in my magazine it makes sure it has conventional features which will make it more succesful. By changing the font to suit the conventions of my genre more, it will interest my audience to ensure it is their preferred reading, and therefore socially interact with it.

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