Final Song Choice

For this task in our pair we presented our individual pitch’s to each other. We decided on using Kaitlin’s pitch for the final song choice, and then made up a slideshow of the lyrics of the song, a word cloud, narrative ideas, performance ideas, a moodboard for mise-en-scene, setting, and the inconvenient ideas.

It is important to create a visual representation of our plan for the music video because it enables us to convey our ideas more efficiently to ourselves and our teacher. For instance, what to aim to include, what location to film, who are actors will be, and how to dress the performers. It also allows us create a clear representation of our star image for the music video, and how the audience will view them, whether that is being extraordinary, ordinary, present, or absent (Dyer).

Below is slideshow we have created as a pair for our chosen songĀ  “Come a little closer – Cage the Elephant” for our music video:


By creating a final pitch it allowed us to work out if our music video was doable, if we can get the performers, and if we had the suitable locations, settings, and MES to make it work. We can also use this pitch to refer back to when we start to film clips for the music video and what to do to make it be successful.

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