Documentary Modes (Performative)

Performative documentaries focus on the filmmaker’s involvement with their subject, using his or her personal experience or relationship with the subject as a jumping-off point for exploring larger, subjective truths about politics, history, or groups of people. A cinematographer is often asked to capture the documentary production process, as well as intimate footage that illustrates the direct and often personal relationship between filmmaker and subject. Supersize Me (2004) by filmmaker Morgan Spurlock documents his experience eating only McDonald’s fast food for 30 days, chronicling the body issues, health problems, and the ensuing doctor’s visits in an attempt to question the food sold at the famous fast-food chain.

Masterclass (2021). Film Documentary Guide: 6 Types of Documentaries. [online] Masterclass. Available at: Film Documentary Guide: 6 Types of Documentaries [Accessed 10 Jan. 2024].

Task: to analyse a 5 minute sequence of Supersize Me and explore how film elements (focus on sound, editing and graphics) create meaning and communicate a sense of argument (seeks to persuade the audience).

Diegetic and Non-Diegetic Sound Analysis

Diegetic Sound – Star Wars

Non-Diegetic Sound – The Joker


The Non-Diegetic music at the beginning of the sequence, presents our character as being joyous and unbothered, this is shown through the upbeat, pop-like music which matches his movement. This use of an upbeat, happy tune conveys the character as being carefree and fun which contrasts the more serious events which occur later. When the chase scene begins there is a shift in tone which is matched through the music as the tempo speeds up and the dynamics increase. This causes the audience to feel that shift in tone, building up the tension and adding to the overall thrill of the chase. Extra loud and ominous sounds heard on top of the music signify the two men chasing our main character as being evil or bad, which forces the audience to take his side, as we feel he is fun and joyous in comparison to them.