Branding Ideas and Mission Statement


Before producing any form of media, it is important to ensure that you have planned. To plan for my music magazine I had to firstly decide on a genre. I decided to go for the genre of Indie. I chose this particular style of music as I believe it has conventional features that I can interpret to make my magazine unique and stand out from others. After settling on a genre it is crucial to decide on a name to go with the magazine. After going through a list of names that I wanted to call my magazine I came to the conclusion of the name ‘Prodigy’. I have done research and there is a magazine yet to be called this. I like this name and think it will fit with my genre of Indie – it is simple and authentic. It also has a definition of “a young person with exceptional qualities or abilities” which gives my magazine a more powerful meaning. For the final stages of planning I had to create a word cloud (image and description below):

Word Cloud

In this word cloud I have included numerous adjectives that I would use to describe the type of magazine that I would like to create. I have also inserted elements that will be a part of my magazine eg. interviews, top hits, tour dates etc. By making this word cloud I can use it as something to quickly refer to whenever I am in doubt about anything in my magazine. It will hopefully keep me on track and drive me to producing the best magazine I possibly can. I need my magazine to provide the uses and gratifications theory, (ensuring that entertainment, information, personal identity and social interaction is all included), so that I have a unique selling point and my audience is not disappointed.

Mission Statement

Every product made in the media world has a mission statement. This is a short statement of purpose that is made to draw in the audience and ultimately purchase the product (in this case, my magazine). I have written my mission statement in such a way that I hope to draw in the correct target audience. This is the mission statement that I have crafted for my music magazine ‘Prodigy’:

“At Prodigy we aim to make the music that makes you feel most alive, come alive.  Not only does Prodigy strive to help and develop your knowledge of your personal identity, but our goal is to provide you with a magazine that delivers passionate detail into the life of Indie music and your most loved music artists.”

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