Shoot 1 Reflection

Below are images from our first shoot, these are snips from the videos that we captured. We aimed for videos that conveyed a sense of meaning – emphasise that the boy is alone and isolated. The long shots and mid shots of him really help to indicate this. However, we could have done with a few more close ups to allow our target audience to engage with our performers emotions more intimately.

For our performance shoot we decided to capture shots at both Aimee’s house and an abandoned bus. We thought we could get a variety of scenic shots at the bus and then get more close ups and focal shots at Aimee’s house. However, due to bad weather conditions at the time, many of the shots taken at the bus are impractical and we will not be able to use them – they did not reflect upon our Mise En Scene. Despite this, the shots we got at Aimee’s were much more successful. The LED lights aided to the unique ambiance that we wanted to achieve, contributing to our chosen star image. Even though the lighting was good we did only manage to get close ups at this location.

What went well

  • The communication with our performance model was adequate as they listened to what we wanted them to do in terms of body language, facial expressions etc
  • Everyone participated in the shoot equally – ideas were contributed by everyone
  • Our performance model had good pronunciation so all the lyrics were made clear

What we need to adjust

  • More communication was needed as we came across a few issues with organisation at some points throughout the shoot
  • Although we cannot change the weather, we could have planned further ahead and prevented going on a drizzly day by checking the forecast
  • Our performance model needs to know the lyrics to the entirety of the song prior the shoot as we wasted valuable filming time teaching lyrics
  • A wider variety of shots needs to be carried out so that when we put our video together our audience will stay engaged

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