
I have been researching into different music videos. I have watched and listened to a wide range of different types of music videos in order to start putting different ideas together. I shortlisted a group of songs which I just listened to instead of watching and got a feel for the type of iconography that may of been used in this video, what the performance may look like and the types of performers in it and also the narrative and the story that may be going on.

I finally decided on the song ‘Robbers’ by The 1975. I created a mood board of different ideas and how this song made me feel and react to it. Click below to listen to my song choice:

Click the picture below to look at my mood board:

Moodboard for robbers

On my mood board is a range of different ideas that I felt or could picture as I listened to this song. It includes some of the colours, the settings and what the weather may be like in this music video. In this song I picture it being in black and white colour palette with only light, pastel colours if any and low key lighting is used throughout, it being quite a alone, emotional narrative.

By doing this and getting the feel for different music videos it will help when coming to plan our own. When we have finally decided on a song, by listening to the lyrics and the sound of the song we can develop our ideas, make a mood board and have a solid starting point.

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