Pitch + Feedback



From our conversation, our teacher gave us feedback on the positives and areas we need to improve for our music video.

The positives are:

  • Miss Cobb thought our general idea of using the key theme of letting go was a successful concept to concentrate on.
  • She enjoyed the beat of the song as it is unusual and we can experiment with this.
  • She agreed with our ideas of bright clothing for the MES as it fits well with the genre.
  • As well as our ideas for possible locations in an industrial area
  • She liked the lyrics to our song as we can experiment with them and link them to our narrative.
  • She thought the ideas we had thought of including ‘turning over a new leaf’ would be a successful way to convey the key theme and message from the song.

Our goals:

  • She asked us to research into more ways in which we can convey the key themes in the song.
  • She told us to ensure we have a confident performer that is familiar with the song.
  • She advised us to have an actress for the narrative and a different person for the performance.
  • She told us to explore the ideas of ‘letting go’ and think about new ways we can portray it.
  • She also told us to ensure our Mis-en-scene conveys the message and emotions of the song and how the actress is feeling.
  • She told us to make sure the performance is on beat.

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