Visual Shot List for Shoot 1 (Performance)

As a group we created a padlet to study other bands of a similar genre as well as our own, and then collate screen shots and made some GIFS of conventional shots, frames, angles they use in their performances. This way we began to learn what is conventional to our genre. We considered our audience to make sure your video conforms to their expectations so that it will follow conventions but be different and new and unique enough not to be boring, ultimately it will be the same but different.

This is essential because the audience will be expecting a certain type of visual style which we need to provide them with. In particularly the repertoire of elements, set ingredients but as a creative we then need to make it different to make it stand out which is what genre is all about, the same but different.

Made with Padlet

This task will help will be useful when filming for my music video because it will remind my group of the different angles and shots we need to use when filming to portray our genre and narrative. It will also remind us of the importance of these shots as well as what each one can achieve. The different shots will prevent our music video being boring and simple but it will engage the audience.



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