Tour Poster Analysis

Whilst decoding this I learnt that every denotation in media has a connotation and print media conveys this through using different fonts, images and colours. I also discovered that the small details on this poster are used on purpose in order to convey a specific message to the audience. This can be shown through the poster of Harry Styles where he is expressing himself, yet behind this self-expression their is meaning, which the producer has incorporated into the design in order to attract the target audience.

Analysing this poster has helped me to see that the costume worn, hairstyle, makeup, posture, lighting used and facial expression are all used for a specific reason which in this case, is to attract young girls and teenagers. The use of all these things is also known as Mise en Scene.

Focusing forward this poster will help me to construct a good music magazine because it will help me to decode all of the elements I will need to think about. I’ve learnt the importance of connotations which will help me to ensure that behind everything I put in my music magazine there is a purpose.



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